Sunday, October 19, 2008

photos and update

hey guys,

it's been a little while since I updated the blog. We were in transit quite a bit over the last few days. I think we ended up seeing 5 countries in 2 days. We decided a while ago to skip our flight to Manila to spend more time in Thailand and Cambodia, so we had to catch our flight to Manila on the 18th to make it to Sydney. So, we went from Siem Reap to Saigon (also called Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam), and from Saigon to Manila. We spent the night in Manila...what an experience. Everyone we talked to said that Manila was a dodgy place where it's pretty dangerous. Of course I wasn't super comfortable being there...We stayed at a youth hostel not far from a bunch of bars. By the time we checked in and everything, I was starving. We went into the first bar we found and it ended up being a strip club! Needless to say we didn't stay there too long. We went to another place that was pretty sketchy but the beer was good and cheap. When we got back to the hostel room, we found a cockroach in the room. Jason was very brave and killed it for me :)

The next morning we left from Manila to Sydney. The flight wasn't too bad...I think it was about 9 hours. We both managed to get a little bit of sleep. We arrived in Sydney at about 9am local time (Sydney is 4 hours ahead of Thailand time, so we're both catching up a little with the time difference). We are staying in a hostel called "Funk House Hostel". it's pretty decent. All of the doors are painted fun cartoons. After checking in, I spent most of the day lying in bed while Jason was out exploring because I felt awful all day. I don't know whether it was a virus or something I ate, but I wasn't feeling too ready to party. I am feeling much better now. Thankfully this has been the first time in the whole trip where I have felt under the weather. Last night we met a bunch of people from France and hung out with them for a while.

So, finally some pictures...

Temples of Angkor (some scenes of Lara Croft Tomb Raider were shot here)

The opera house in Sydney, and one near a waterfall.

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