Yesterday was fairly uneventful...we lounged around the beach, I got a thai massage (which is generally just a series of random presses, sometimes more comfortable than others) on the beach, we had an incredible dinner on the beach about 20 feet from the water and then went out later at night. Apparently some dude pulled a knife on Jason, but that's another story. We also both rode a mechanical bull. I like to think my horseback riding skills came in handy! It starts out pretty slow but then goes pretty quickly and if you lose your balance it's pretty hard to get it back. Thankfully you just fall into a lovely air mattress.
We stayed out all night and watched the sun rise this morning. It was absolutely incredible. This was the view we had from our beach (you can click on all pictures for the original size):
After a few hours sleep, we met our friend Chris and went to a spectacular spot for lunch. It was at the top of a hill (quite the fun trying to get up on the motorbike). The view was jaw dropping: you could see for miles and miles.
Afterwards, we went to a monkey show. The monkeys did the funniest basketball, do somersaults, play guitar, it was funny. At one point, I got on stage and got my hands tied.
The monkey came and undid all the knots (there were probably about 10 of them). At one point one of the monkey's hands was resting on my arm. I couldn't believe how human-like it felt. You could also pet a gibbon that was playing around. At one point I got a little too close and it jumped near me. I had visions of television shows of "when animals attack" ;)
Anyways, that was our day! Tonight is our last night in Koh Samui; tomorrow we leave for Koh Phangan for a few days, and then off to Cambodia for a few days before hitting up the Philippines.
Thanks for following us along :)
wow I can't belive you had a monkey on you! I'd feel a little weird! Love the pics, thanks for taking the time to uplaod, blogger isn't the friendlist, but it is so great to see!
Hope you don't mind but I used your sunrise pic (fantastic!) as my desktop background!
BTW you look really good! But what's with the leg cut?
Pictures are great! Nice scrape on the leg, too much hiking? You look good! Nice monkey pics. Is Jason becoming a magnet for fights?Must be the black eye. Thanks for keeping us posted :)
Hey Mimi what did u do to that monkey. I think he's got the hots for u? No shrinkage there. Haha
Michelle, that is awesome of you to be in the monkey show! Thanks for posting the georgous photo's, nice to see you both looking so well. Jeeezzz, is there no keeping Jason out of trouble?
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