Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day one in Siem Reap, Cambodia

hey guys,
Last night, our taxi driver dropped us off at an internet cafe, and while I was updating the blog, Jason went on an adventure. He took me to a salon where I was fawned over for almost 3 hours. I got a haircut, my nails painted (literally painted...not stick on nails, someone painted a beautiful flower design on each of my fingernails), I got a face massage (including a cream on my face that when it hardened, felt like cement!) and my toenails painted, all for about $18. Yup, life is tough :)

Our driver took us out today to see the royal palace, the home of the king of Cambodia, but unfortunately today the king decided to take a stroll so we could not see the palace from the inside so we just took pictures from outside.

Instead we went to the national museum (see photo below):

Our driver took us to the Wat Phnom, a temple where the city got its name. There was an elephant and monkeys near the wat too.
We even got to see a baby monkey.
Asia is so crazy cool and different!

We arrived tonight in Siem Reap, Cambodia, after spending 6 hours on a bus from Phnom Penh. The bus ride wasn't too bad...not a luxury bus by any means, but we got to see a lot of the countryside. It's difficult sometimes to see the poverty that Cambodians live in sometimes. A lot of people find themselves having to sell what they can or beg for money. On one of the stops in the bus, we saw a man who had no eyes. He just had holes where his eye sockets were, and he was being led around by a small child. Also, we were swarmed by children selling fruit. One even had a tarantula on her shirt (apparently it didn't bite, but I didn't want to find out). Other people were selling tarantulas that had been grilled. Eww, no thanks! It's definitely difficult sometimes to see how people struggle while we live in a country with such a high quality of life.

We have checked into a really nice hotel that has a pool. We met some North Americans and had dinner with them tonight. It's amazing all of the interesting people we have met along the way.

Tomorrow we are going to check out the temples of Angkor. More photos to follow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That photo with the little girl and the tarantula on her shirt is so cool! She is really cute and then this big spider on her shirt! What was going on - was it her pet? or was she advertising that you can eat them? or just trying to get her picture taken for money at the risk of being bitten?? Very bizarre. Great picture though - a good one to print and put up when you get back. Excellent quality as well.