Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rocking out in KL

We spent our last day in Singapore relaxing at the beach in Sentosa (where I somehow lost my sunglasses...grr...apparently only ten days away from home and I have already lost partial use of my brain). When we arrived at the beach, an animal encounter show was going on. Jason and I had pictures taken with a pig tailed macaque. It was awesome! (Yes yes, I will be posting pictures shortly. Jason tried to post a lot last night before we left Singapore but he has taken so many on this trip so far it would have taken at least an hour to post sadly you will have to wait a little longer, but pictures are on their way!) On the way back to Singapore we just took it easy and hung out at the second hostel we stayed at and had a few drinks at the bar with some drunken Aussies (there was a game on) until it was time to take the train to Kuala Lumpur (KL).

The train ride was interesting. we arrived at 9:30 pm, in time to depart the station at 10pm. Unfortunately there were some delays so we didn't leave the station until at least 11, maybe later (it is approx. 300 km from Singapore to KL, but the overnight train was supposed to take 8.5 hrs). Not too long after finally leaving, we were told to get off the train to go through the border crossing. Unfortunately, Jason and I both lost the immigration card that we were issued when we arrived at the Singapore airport so we had to go to the immigration officer's office to get an OK to leave. Note to self: read the cards and forms they give you....anyways, a while later, we left. The sleeper bunk wasn't too bad, but I don't think I slept a wink all night. It also didn't help that the train ride was rough, there were people talking for a while, and i had a horrible smell of chemicals and urine stuck in my nostrils from my previous trip to the loo. So, all in all, not a great night sleep. Oh, the things you do to save money along the way...anyways, we ended up arriving in KL about 2 hours after the estimated arrival time of 6:30 am, so it was a long trek in the train. When we arrived in KL, we took a train to Chinatown where Lonely Planet mentions that there are some reasonable accommodations. We found a decent place right in the Chinatown market and got a private room for a little more than what we were each paying in Singapore for a dorm (no windows and smells like wet carpet and cigarette smoke, but oh well, we can't be too difficult). While I was napping, Jason had a little adventure in the market. Apparently he was looking at a great bag (by the way, the sellers are aggressive here..."hey lady, hey lady you want X"?) and it sounds like he was aggressively dragged into the store by the dude who kept lowering the price. Moral of the story? When shopping, the trick seems to be to not look interested, but if you are, be prepared for some serious bargains!

We are off to see the Petronas towers shortly, but I wanted to update this before we left.

I hope you are having a great weekend!

M  :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mimi & Jason

It sounds like you're having a blast :)

Anonymous said...

Relaxing at the beach!! I'm so jealous!

Yosha said...

Not saving money...experiencing local transport! Think of how luxurious OC transpo is going to seem when you get home?! :)

hey at least they didn't make you pay extra to cross the border. Brothers lost their immigration slip when leaving Mexico and the guy made them pay $40 US each. We were convinced he just pocketed the money!