Monday, September 29, 2008

Hanging out in KL

hey...yesterday and today were spent strolling around KL. Yesterday we walked around to the golden triangle, tried to get up to see the Petronas towers but all of the tickets were gone (it's a first come first served basis) so we had a lovely dinner on a patio near a park (I had an awesome dish, it was the fish of the day. The fish was called "dory fish" from Vietnam. MmMm! I even spoiled myself and had two glasses of milk). After our meal we went to the Menara KL tower, one of the tallest free standing structures in the world. The view from on top of the tower was incredible! we could see the whole city, for miles and miles.

We came back, rested in our smelly hotel room, hung out in the Chinatown market (TONS of people and tons of stuff for sale) and went out to a few bars. It was quite the adventure finding a few places...we get to the first one, a bar/lounge on the 33rd floor of a hotel, only to find out the lounge was under we went to find another place, and it was closed (Sunday night...grr...) so we finally ended up on a street with a few bars. We started out at a great bar with some sangria, then went to a beach bar across the street. Pretty standard stuff...packed, lots of drunk people, the usual...only there was a shark tank in this bar.

Today we went to a beautiful square in the colonial district. There is a fairly large Muslim population in KL, and the architecture in some areas really demonstrates this. We tried to visit a mosque but it was raining like CRAZY (Jason went out and bought us some $5 winnie the pooh umbrellas from a 7/11. When it rains here, it really pours!) so we walked around an Indian market and I bought a bunch of MAC makeup. I think I paid $15 for what normally would have cost close to $100. Is the quality comparable? We will see. All I know is that the English used on the boxes is definitely not the same kind of English that North Americaners speak ;) We came back and bought some more cheap stuff in the Chinatown market. I love bargaining, in general, but it becomes a little exhausting when you need to bargain for taxi prices, clothes, perfume, etc. Oh's all part of the experience!

We are heading out shortly to go to Phuket (pronounced "poo-get", not as you would think is a ruder way of saying "screw it") so I will let you know how things are when we get there!

M  :)

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