Sunday, September 21, 2008

Adventures in Vancouver

Hey guys! Thanks for following along on the blog. I arrived in Vancouver safe and sound Friday afternoon and met up with my good friend Magali at her work to get her apartment key. So far I am having a great time! Magali lives in a really nice part of town called Kitsilano. A nice beach is located about five minutes away...I am really spoiled! The food is great I am eating really well so far. The people in BC are incredible. I heard that BC was different but you don't really feel it until you are here...everyone just seems more laid back and easy going, and are all about rockin' the organic scene. On my first night here I went to a really nice diner party organized by Magali's boyfriend's family. We were eleven in all I think, and I spent most of the night speaking with French people (some were visiting, the hostess was from Quebec). Apparently more proof that I can never get away from Francophones...

Magali and I visited Stanley Park yesterday and walked around in the rain. We also visited the Vancouver Aquarium. So far it has been really overcast and occasionally rainy so I have not been seeing too many outdoorsy stuff. Today it looks like it will be a nice day so I am looking forward to taking some great photos. I am meeting up with an old friend tonight for dinner tonight so it will be great to catch up before I head out to Singapore tomorrow early afternoon. I will post another message when I arrive in Singapore (maybe not quite when I get there...I meet Jason close to midnight. We have a place booked for the first three nights). I hope you are doing well and I look forward to sharing more adventures with you!

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