Wednesday, December 24, 2008

is it time to leave yet?? annoyed and exhausted with Egypt

ok, that's maybe not the best post title, but that's how we are feeling right now. We took the plane from Luxor to Sharm El Sheik where we are right now. Our tour agent (Bourak Tours, based in Cairo...worst tour operator ever) booked us into what was supposed to be a 3 star hotel, but I am pretty sure it's a minus three star. We arrived in the city late, around 11:30 pm, so our critical skills were lower than they usually are. We mostly laughed about the state of our room and how it had no toilet paper or towels, but the best part was how the water was dark brown from the tap. Not just a little brown, like stinkin' brown. I wouldn't even wash a dog in that water, nevermind not brush my teeth with it. Anyways, we are currently waiting for our trip representative to come meet us at our hotel. We have checked into a Days Inn across the street to enjoy Christmas. This morning I was so frustrated with getting screwed here that I just wanted to cry. Thankfully, Jason has been really supportive, and I am sure we'll have a good laugh when this is all done. On the plus side, I don't think I have ever really wanted to come home from a trip as badly as I do now. It hasn't been all bad. Yesterday we spent the day checking out Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple, both really cool. It's so incredible to think that people were able to build such magnificent temples 3500 years ago. The history and architecture of this country is absolutely spectacular, and for this we have really enjoyed ourselves. So, on a more positive note, we hope that you have a magical Christmas, wherever and with whoever you are spending it. There is a Christmas gala at our hotel tonight that we are looking forward to enjoying. We are planning to take a snorkelling or diving trip to one of the most magical sites in the world tomorrow so that is definitely something to look forward to as well. We may try diving for the first time if we can as well! So we are not totally jaded...just kind of :) We leave for Cairo on the 26th, and fly out at 5:20am to Frankfurt on the 28th, home late on the 29th. Only a few more days till we are back home!


Anonymous said...

Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas :) You will be in our thoughts throughout the next coming days. Wishing you safe travel as well. We look forward to your return :) xxxooo

p.s. the puppies miss you too

Free Spirit said...

Hello Guys,
We met in Luxor in the end of your trip, your journey is interesting, the photos are so nice.
All the best in your lives, the pharma and teaching sides of it :)