Friday, November 21, 2008

The problem with New Zealand is... go through so many pictures on your memory card! It seems like just yesterday we bought a 16G card (yes, 16 gigs) and we only have about 1500 pictures left on. We are putting everything at the highest setting's so hard not to here. Every picture is right out of a postcard!

We are in Queenstown now. It's not hard to see why Queenstown is so popular. The scenery alone is absolutely spectacular; in the back, the remarkables mountains surround a beautiful lake. We spent some time in town, after driving what seemed like allllllll day (it's really hard to gauge how long it will take to get from one spot to another here. Even though our trusty TomTom says it will take a certain amount of time, the roads are so windy and our poor camper runs out of steam the second we hit a small hill). We even went to the local casino. Nothing too interesting, but it's nice to be in a town after being isolated for so long.

Camperlife has been great. It's so fun to be able to have everything we need in the same vehicle; we can eat, shower and sleep, all things that require little to no planning. We have been eating fairly well, considering that we are on the road most of the time. It's amazing how much daylight we have. It was dark until after 9 last night, which makes it a lot easier to put in longer driving days if we need to.

Some more pictures, from left to right: the Blue Pools, on the way to Queenstown. The water is so clear you can see fish swimming at the bottom; a view from the Fox Glacier; a beautiful lookout on the way; and a stop to see a 28m high waterfall.


Anonymous said...

Spectacular scenery so far!!! I can see why you have a hard time limiting your photos

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I didn't know there were glaciers there. What colours - time for yet another memory card? Not only do you have postcards, you also have posters!
um Jason..?.. why is your tee-shirt guy on fire? Oh yes, the waterfall is nice too. Ha!

Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful there! Jim & Donna told me that you are planning on India in your itinerary. Please email me for some information on India. My sisters just completed their dream trip there.
Have a great time on your lifetime adventure!